Hi, I'm Kailash Balakrishnan.
I am a Web Developer.

I enjoy building websites that not only look great but also offer an exceptional user experience.

About Me

I am a front end developer with deep passion for JavaScript, React and all things web developement. With a keen eye for visual design and a love for frontend development, I aim to create websites that are both visually stunning and user-friendly. My interest for web development started in 2019 when I first learnt web development at university. Since then, I have been learning and building websites as well as web applications.

Skills and Technologies

Web Development

Using these web development tools and languages, I create interactive and responsive websites that look great on all devices.

Programming Languages

Throughout my degree in Computer Science, I have learnt and built apps in other languages such as C++, Python and Java.

Other Tools and Technologies

In addition to programming languages, these tools have helped me in developing apps and websites.


Carleton AI Researchers Website

AI Researchers at Carleton University

A website to find AI Researchers at Carleton University. Built using React and Tailwind.

View Website GitHub Repository
Carleton AI Researchers Website

AI Keyword Extractor

An app to extract keywords from a block of text using OpenAI's API.

View Website GitHub Repository
Carleton AI Researchers Website

Personal Portfolio

The website you are currently viewing. Personal portfolio built with pure HTML,CSS and JavaScript.

View Website GitHub Repository